Friday 20 August 2010

assalamualaikum^-^ sorry,batah inda update my blog.behabuk sudah ne.haha!so,u may wanna know what's my new story.well,banyak pulang kan diceritakan.but haha,im so lazy kan ceta from the beginning until the end:p anyway,selamat menyambut bulan Ramadhan and selamat berpuasa utk semua umat Islam.u all fasting eik? jangan curi2 makan or minum.Allah leat tu:p hehe..well,i've got bad news yesterday.i didnt get any 'A' for my AS exam:'( im so upset.i've try my best on that paper.but...pfft..tuah nda bepihak arah,have to accept the fate.and at night,my boyfriend tell me he also didnt get any O's for his june o'level too.pfft..he said,ea TERPAKSA join askar,job which i dont really like.but he cancelled it because of too afraid if he join that job.i've cried again last night. then my boyfriend pun pujuk la.p alhamdulillah,we did a promise to our relationship^-^v so..i've to study and revise more from now more playing..yes! i did promise to myself, ajree, mama and babah, my teachers and to school.i will improve myself and get an 'A' for this november A'level exam.
i think thats all..

together forever,
forever together..

-zirah therabbit-